KYZEN- Exercises, Stretches, Techniques, and Principles created by Kyle Loesner designed to cultivate Energy (Qi) in the body.

The 3 Paths of Kyzen Learning

Kyzen: True Student Path

This path is a sequence of videos numbered and organized starting with Video 1 on the homepage and continued in the course titled Kyzen: True Student Path. Learn Kyzen training in the order recommended from the Master himself. $15/Month, Coming Soon

Intro to Kyzen: Learning How to Train Qi Energy

An online course that teaches you everything you need to know to get started learning how to train the Qi in your body. By the end of Intro To Kyzen you’ll be able to understand your energy, as well as how to control and cultivate it to a higher degree. $287, Coming Soon!

Specialty Programs for Athletic Teams

Training Qi has incredible impacts on strength, health, and performance. By harnessing this power athletes can surpass previous physical limits and reach new levels of focus and confidence. Welcome Warren Sixpack Athletes!

Choose your Journey

Coming Soon!

Path 1


Kyzen: True Student Path

Path 2


Intro To Kyzen: Learning How to Train Qi Energy

How To Download the Kyzen Academy App:


Navigate to using safari

Tap the “share” button at the bottom of your screen

Select “save to homepage”


Navigate to using chrome

Tap the menu icon (dots in the upper right corner)

Choose name you want it to appear as and save